
Théo R.

Unknown job


Hello !

I'm a developer specializing in WordPress, and I'm ready to take charge of all aspects of your site, from installation to customization and technical optimization, as well as SEO.

With solid experience in the field (over 4 years of almost daily use), I'm able to configure your WordPress site to your specific needs. Whether you want an online store, a blog or a showcase site, I'm here to set up your site, no matter what aspect you want to tackle.

As a WordPress expert, I'm also proficient in plugin configuration. Whether you need an advanced contact form, an online booking system or any other specific functionality, I can guide you in choosing the best plugins for your needs and configuring them to optimize your site's performance.

In addition to my development skills, I'm also familiar with the connectivity of external services. I can integrate tools such as Zapier to automate your processes and connect your WordPress site to other services such as Google Sheets and Google Drive to make it easier to manage your data.

My priority is to provide you with quality work, meeting deadlines and guaranteeing your satisfaction. I'm passionate about what I do, and I'm committed to maintaining smooth communication throughout the process.

If you're looking for a skilled, professional and friendly WordPress developer, look no further! Contact me today and let's start working together to make your WordPress site a success.

Response time

Response rate
100 %

Last connection
34 days

Experience level



Unknown skills


Unknown city, France

Unknown mobility



0/5 - No review


No creation.


No experience.


No education.


No review.

Théo R.
Théo R.

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